About Breast Specimen Radiography

Specimen radiography is a specialized imaging technique utilizing x-rays to examine excised tissue samples, particularly from breast biopsies or lumpectomies.

It plays a crucial role in confirming the presence and extent of suspicious lesions. KUBTEC has been a leader in the development of mobile cabinet X-ray systems, allowing specimen radiographs to be done safely and conveniently anywhere in the hospital.

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At KUBTEC®, we believe in the power of 3D.  

3D tomosynthesis transformed diagnostic mammography. Believing it would do the same for intraoperative margin assessment, we patented the technology for specimen imaging in the OR. Introduced under the MOZART brand, 3D specimen tomosynthesis has now been shown - by identifying surgical margins in three axes -  to facilitate lower re-excisions than 2D imaging1

Learn more about 3D


At KUBTEC®, our passion is developing transformative technologies that enable precision cancer surgery. For nearly 20 years, we have led the way in specimen imaging technology, and now we also offer an innovative gamma probe detection system that seamlessly integrates with our imaging solutions.

As a family-owned company, headquartered in Connecticut, USA, our dedication to improving care goes beyond exceptional products - we take immense pride in delivering unparalleled service and support to all our customers across the globe.

Learn more about KUBTEC®


dr michael alvarado

"We want the patient to have the best possible results, a combination of least times having to go back for cancer or re-excision, but taking out the least amount of tissue to preserve the best cosmesis. So I think having 3D specimen X-rays is letting us do both those things."

Michael Alvarado, MD, FACS
Professor of Surgery, University of California San Francisco

andrea m

Specimen tomosynthesis allows me to remove a smaller volume of initial incision allowing patients to have a better cosmetic result.

Andrea Madrigrano, MD, FACS
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Rush University Surgeons

dr ashutosh kothari

KUBTEC’s three dimensional specimen tomosynthesis has brought specimen radiography in to the 21st century

Dr. Ashutosh Kothari
Oncoplastic & Reconstructive Breast Surgeon at Guy’s and
St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, UK

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  1. Natalia Partain, MD, et al. Differences in Re-excision Rates for Breast-Conserving Surgery Using Intraoperative 2D Versus 3D Tomosynthesis Specimen Radiograph. Ann Surg Oncol 2020: Published online Aug 01, 2020
The referenced studies have not been reviewed by the FDA.